Creation of the HARMONIZATION website

In partnership long before the creation of this platform, La Boîte Rouge VIF and the Musée Ilnu de Mashteuiatsh initially came together to address a common reality: an increasing number of requests from various sectors, generally related to collaboration with Indigenous communities.

Therefore, a project was set in motion to find ways to better equip the sectors related to the mandates of both organizations: the arts, culture, museums, municipalities, tourism, educational institutions, and Indigenous organizations. The content of this platform was designed following roundtable discussions with these sectors. As a starting point, the project focused on the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region and the Ilnu community of Mashteuiatsh, but it is intended for everyone, both within and outside the province.

The content validation process was supported by two committees:

  • A creation committee that focused on how the platform's format would reflect learning principles consistent with the values and tools promoted by the platform itself.
  • A committee formed of Indigenous collaborators who focused on the platform's content and the coherence of this content with the interests of Indigenous communities.


The main objective of this platform is to address a great number of identified needs from the consultation phase by consolidating and offering several existing and created tools to support efforts in harmonizing relations with First Peoples.

The platform aims to encourage reflection and provide solution pathways, but without claiming to offer THE solution, as each relationship is different and based on its own parameters. It is acknowledged that no platform or tool can serve as an autoroute to reconciliation. The range of experiences is too vast and must be contextualized by each individual and within each Indigenous or non-Indigenous community. Within the project itself, it is not surprising that multiple opportunities arise to revisit the foundations of harmonious collaboration. This will be an ongoing journey for all, from which a human and humble approach will pave several paths.

It is hoped that the platform will be useful in facilitating the journey towards necessary harmonization, without delay!

"Sometimes, we aim to include just for the sake of inclusion. However, sometimes, that's not the partner's objective, and therefore, a win-win perspective is needed. At times, we sense that the partner does not share the same goal or commitment, prompting us to reevaluate our objectives: is our need truly the right one?"

- Non-Indigenous participant at a consultation table

"All challenges have turned into successes. All my mistakes have become learning experiences, skills, know-how, and ways of being. Establishing a relationship and listening to First Nations are essential. Sometimes, the results are at the human level. The real work for me is at the level [of our organization] to adapt to the right realities. [...] 'Ally' is a truly important term. My victories lie in being here, [...] in a focus group and working for First Nations."

- Non-Indigenous participant at a consultation table

"One of the current goals of our approach is to create similar tools [to the research protocol of the APNQL] to manage cultural requests. For us, it's about asking the right questions, understanding the issues behind each request. And for the applicants, it's about approaching us properly, articulating their intentions, their goals, etc."

- Indigenous participant at a consultation table

"Concerning identity, as we are alive, identity cannot be cemented. That's the problem: we were trying to box it in a definition, but it will never be cemented because we continue to exist, evolve, change, and are influenced by other things in relation to others. We cannot be defined as we would like, boxed in to make things easier."

- Indigenous participant at a consultation table

Credits and acknowledgements

Project Managers: Marie-Céleste Kennedy and Eve Picard

Consultative Committee on Indigenous Content: Mendy Bossum, Stacy Bossum, Tania Jourdain, Caroline Lambert, Marie-Michèle Lambert, Anne-Sophie Lavoie, Sandy Raphael, Sonia Robertson, and Lenny Valin.

Consultative Committee on Content Design: Denise Lavoie, Michèle Mishten Martin, Claudia Néron, and Jérôme Pruneau.

Programming and Graphics: Jimmy Fortin

Design: Sarah Beauseigle

Photos from the site: La Boîte Rouge VIF and Le Musée Ilnu de Mashteuiatsh

Photo of the Welcome page and the Portage page: Jennifer Fontaine.

Models: Marina Labbé-Hervieux and Marcel Ambroise

Language Revision: Marie-Claude Blackburn

We also thank all the collaborators and participants from the environments mentioned in the project explanation above, who have dedicated their time and thoughts to the various phases of platform development.