to a digital toolbox for harmonizing relations with First Peoples!

"What is it?"

One could say that this digital toolbox resembles a virtual library because, in addition to sharing online resources, it offers a transformative experience and a learning journey. It also suggests various tools so that you can establish or deepen harmonious relationships between the First Peoples and non-Indigenous populations.

"Is it really for me?"

Of course! Whether you are Indigenous or non-Indigenous, you will surely find some references and tools that will help you progress professionally and perhaps even personally towards beautiful and authentic encounters between nations.

“Where should I start?”

The learning journey of this platform is presented in the form of a canoe journey (also known as a portage), a significant Indigenous cultural activity through which the land is explored. What we call "portage" on this platform is the proposal of a self-education journey that was developed based on the topics that emerged during the creation of the platform.

What if, step by step, we walked closer and closer together?